SEC Launches Campaign to Promote Investor Protection

The educational initiative is meant to help investors avoid scams. The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy has launched a public awareness campaign called…

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Treasury Department Requests Public Comment on Financial AI Policies

The agency seeks to increase understanding of current AI use within financial services. The Department of the Treasury recently released a request for information and insight on the…

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DOL Requests Public Input on Retirement Plan Disclosures

Federal agencies are looking at how many and how often workers receive retirement disclosures, as well as their effectiveness. The Department of Labor announced that the Employee Benefits…

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Administration Updates Rules on Junk Fees in Retirement Planning

SEC regulation will close loopholes allowing advisors to recommend products that do not offer benefits. President Joe Biden and administration officials have announced tightened rules to clamp down…

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SEC Chair Warns of AI Threat to Financial Systems

Investment advisors should not overly rely upon artificial intelligence for financial data interpretations. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler recently warned of the current risks artificial…

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Suit Filed to Block ESG Investing Rule

25 state attorneys general filed to stop progressive governance over retirement plans. Utah and Texas led a court filing signed by 25 states, requesting that a federal judge…

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President Vetoes Bill on ESG Investing 

The legislation would have reversed the Labor Department rule.  “I just vetoed my first bill,” President Biden announced Monday.  The Labor Department had previously issued a rule allowing…

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Labor Department Finalizes Secure Act Implementation

Assistant secretary for benefits announces changes to 5500 Annual Return Form. The Department of Labor announced changes to the 2023 Form 5500 Annual Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plan.…

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Social Security Could Get Age Benefit Changes 

The solvency of the program is at the heart of discussions.  Changing the age requirement for receiving Social Security benefits is under consideration by a bipartisan group of…

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Withdrawals From Retirement Plans Increase

Americans are taking “hardship” withdrawals from 40(k) plans.  The Internal Revenue Service allows hardship withdrawal from retirement funds without penalty when there is an immediate or heavy financial…

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