President Visits Samsung Plant in South Korea

 He is advocating for legislation to boost chip making. A Samsung semiconductor plant was among the stops made by President Biden as he begins his trip to Asia.…

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President Congratulates Commandant Fagan on Senate Confirmation

Longest-serving active-duty officer first female to become Service Chief. President Biden congratulated Admiral Linda L. Fagan on her confirmation by the Senate this month as Commandant of the…

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President Invokes Defense Act for Baby Formula

Administration authorizes flights from overseas with imports.  The president’s administration has invoked the Defense Production Act to increase the production of baby formula. The White House reported the…

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President Takes Four-Day Trip to Asia

South Korea and Japan are on his schedule.  President Joe Biden departed Thursday on his first trip to Asia since taking office. His four-day trip that includes Seoul,…

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President Hosts Sweden and Finland Leaders

Both nations have submitted applications to join NATO.  On Thursday, President Joe Biden will welcome the Prime Minister of Sweden and the President of Finland to the White…

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President Hosts Southeast Asian Leaders

Will unveil new regional trade pact plan.  The leaders of eight Southeast Asian nations were hosted at the White House by the president this week for a two-day…

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President Comments on U.S. Economy

Promotes the American Jobs Plan. President Joe Biden spoke this week on the state of the U.S. economy and what his administration plans to do to address it.…

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Administration Cancels Oil and Gas Drilling Leases

Gulf of Mexico and Alaska Coast are affected.  President Biden’s administration canceled plans to auction drilling rights in three regions off the U.S. coastline later this year, adding…

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House Approves $40 Billion Ukraine Relief Package

Spending bill passed in a vote of 368 to 57. The House of Representatives approved President Joe Biden’s proposed spending package to aid in Ukraine’s defense against Russia.…

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President Says Inflation is Top Domestic Priority

Meanwhile, gas prices hit all-time high.  President Biden stated on Tuesday that addressing inflation is his “top domestic priority” particularly as midterm elections loom. “I want everyone to know…

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