CENTCOM Announces Submarine Now in Middle East 

Joins other forces already deployed in the region. U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) announced Sunday that an American Ohio-class submarine has now “arrived in the U.S. Central Command area…

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Navy Deploys Carrier Strike Group Near Taiwan 

A nuclear attack submarine is part of the group.  The U.S. Navy has again positioned a carrier strike group led by the USS Ronald Reagan in the waters…

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U.S. Navy Inspection Survey Shows Worsening Material Conditions

Annual inspection report shows challenges and calls for improved maintenance and readiness. The Navy’s annual Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) report, revealed a slight decline in the…

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U.S. Submarine Fleet Size Reduced by Maintenance Backlog

Commander states still able to meet operational commitments. Rear Admiral Jeffrey Jablon, commander of the submarine force in the U.S. Pacific Fleet, said that maintenance backlogs have reduced…

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U.S. Nuclear Sub Damaged in South China Sea

Underwater collision that caused injuries among the crew is being investigated. On Thursday, the U.S. Navy announced that one of their Cold War-era Seawolf-class, nuclear-powered, fast attack submarines…

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U.S. Navy Forms Task Group for Maritime Defense

Task Group Greyhound to counter Russian submarine threat in the Atlantic. The U.S. Navy has formed Task Group Greyhound to counter Russian submarines in the Atlantic under the…

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U.S. Navy Reorganizes Submarine Systems

New Program Executive Office for nuclear ballistic missile subs. The U.S. Navy has announced a reorganization of its acquisition and maintenance of its nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN)…

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