U.S. and UK Navies Shoot Down Houthi Missile Barrage 

It was the largest attack yet in the Red Sea, but no injuries or damages were reported. Houthi rebels in Yemen launched one of the largest drone and…

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Treasury Department Sanctions Houthi Funding Network

Houthi rebels have escalated attacks in the Red Sea.  The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control implemented sanctions against an alleged funding network that sends Iranian…

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Pentagon Concerned Over Costs of Houthi Attacks

They compare a $2M missile with a $2,000 drone.  Over the past two months, U.S. Navy destroyers have shot down 38 drones and multiple missiles launched by Houthi…

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Army Receives New Long-Range Missiles

The delivery is part of a major modernization program. The U.S. Army announced it has received delivery of the first Precision Strike Missiles. These will replace the legacy…

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U.S. Navy Shoots Down Yemen-Fired Drone 

The drone was headed toward a U.S. warship. The Pentagon announced Wednesday that sailors aboard the USS Thomas Hunter engaged a drone that originated from Yemen and was…

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U.S. Delivers Airstrikes on Iranian Proxies in Syria 

Defense secretary issues statement explaining the response to attacks on U.S. troops. The United States launched air attacks on two bases used by Iranian proxy forces in Syria…

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Navy Offers Lucrative Bonuses to Retain EOD Officers

Annual financial incentives increased under the new system. The U.S. Navy recently introduced a new incentive policy for explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) officers, offering significant bonuses to extended…

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USS Eisenhower Strike Group Headed to Persian Gulf 

The group was rerouted by the Pentagon from its Eastern Mediterranean destination.  Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the U.S. is deploying the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower and…

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Navy Warship Intercepts Three Missiles Fired from Yemen 

Unclear if missiles were aimed at Israel.  The USS Carney, a Navy destroyer in the Red Sea, took out three missiles that had been fired from Yemen on…

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President Biden Briefed on Gaza Hospital Explosion

He said in a later meeting, it was “done by the other team.“ A rocket explosion in the parking lot of a hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday…

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