U.S. in Peace Talks with the Taliban

General Milley opens discussions between leaders. The U.S.-Taliban agreement was cemented last February to begin to put an end to the conflict raging since 2001. According to the…

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Attorney General Barr Stepping Down

President expressed disappointment over election non-response. On Monday, President Trump announced that Attorney General William Barr will be resigning. “Just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General…

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Morocco and Israel Normalize Relations

The fourth Arab country to agree to establish peacefully diplomatic and economic ties. On Thursday, Morocco and Israel announced the agreement to normalize relations between the two nations.…

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Pentagon Sends B-52s to Middle East

Intended as “deterrence mission” against Iran. A pair of B-52 bombers were flown into the Middle East Thursday from Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. Military officials have seen some indications…

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Secretary Pompeo Meets With Bahraini Minister

Both leaders work to strengthen ties between the two countries.  Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with the Bahraini Foreign Minister Al Zayani on Tuesday to discuss matters…

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President Announces Normalization of Sudan and Israel Relations

The third Arab nation to agree to diplomatic, economic, and trade ties with Israel. President Trump announced late last week, “The State of Israel and the Republic of…

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Administration Strikes Peace Deal Between Israel and UAE

Agreement will be called the Abraham Accord. An historic agreement between the United Arab emirates and Israel was announced Thursday morning by President Trump. The two nations have…

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President Orders Destruction of Iranian Fastboats

Iranian military vessels have been harassing U.S. Navy. On Wednesday, President Trump directed the U.S. Navy to destroy Iranian military vessels that conduct provocative maneuvers near U.S. ships…

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U.S., Taliban Reach Violence Reduction Pact

Could lead to U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan Announced Friday, the United States reached agreement with the Taliban on a weeklong reduction of violence that could lead to…

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