President Biden Meets United Auto Workers President

Discussion at the White House centered on contract negotiations. President Joe Biden and senior staff met with United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain at the White House…

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UPS Trains Workers in Preparation for Union Strike

The acting labor secretary is not engaging in the talks between the company and Teamsters. Contract negotiations between United Parcel Service (UPS) and the Teamsters Union stalled earlier…

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VA Hospital Nurses Protest Working Conditions

Nationwide demonstrations highlight the strain of staff shortages on caregivers and their impact on patients. Nurses at Veterans Affairs hospitals recently participated in nationwide protests to regarding needed…

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Acting Labor Secretary Engages in Port Contract Negotiations

West Coast workers’ contract negotiations reach the 13th month of debate. Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su has been in California trying to broker a deal between the Pacific…

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President Encourages Port Labor Negotiations

Workers have gone nearly a year without a contract, and some ports experience shutdowns. President Joe Biden is committed to respecting the negotiation process between West Coast port…

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SCOTUS Rules in Favor of Company over Union Leaders

The decision states that the union did not take reasonable action to protect company assets when striking. The Supreme Court has ruled that union leaders fostered “foreseeable and…

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Labor Department Announces “Stand Down to Save Lives”

The inaugural mine safety event is being held Wednesday. The Department of Labor announced the first “Stand Down to Save Lives” event by the Mine Safety and Health…

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Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Religious Accommodations Case

Labor experts closely watching the outcome. The Supreme Court heard the first set of arguments in Groff v. DeJoy this week, exploring the extent to which religious accommodations…

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West Coast Ports Temporarily Shut Down During Labor Negotiations

Expired contract leads to labor interruptions in Los Angeles and Long Beach. The Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), a representative for West Coast port workers, announced last week that…

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House Committee Subpoenas Labor Board Officials

Investigation being made over claims that the union election process was manipulated. The House Education and Labor Committee issued a subpoena to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).…

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