Federal Agencies Face the End of Traditional Telephone Lines

FCC okays exchange carriers shutting down aging infrastructure. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in August of this year, approved the retirement of outdated copper telephone service lines by…

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FCC Chair Proposes Policy to Support Local Journalism

Local radio and television stations would be given priority in the license renewal process. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Jessica Roseworcel released a notice of proposed rulemaking this…

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FCC Chair Proposes Banning TV Contract Early Termination Fees

She says the move would encourage competition and innovation. Federal Communications Commission Chair Jessica Rosenworcel submitted a proposal this week that would prevent cable and TV providers from…

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FCC Funds Emergency Connectivity Program

The program seeks to provide homework assistance under the “Learn Without Limits” initiative. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced a funding commitment of almost $5.2 million through the…

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FCC Chair Proposes Inquiry for Use of AI Against Robocalls

Requires full vote of commission to launch period of public comment. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced a proposed inquiry into the use of artificial intelligence…

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Jessica Rosenworcel, Federal Communications Commission

Jessica Rosenworcel is Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission. We pray that God will guide her as she leads the agency that regulates communication by radio, television, wire,…

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Jessica Rosenworcel, Chair, Federal Communications Commission

Jessica Rosenworcel, Chair, Federal Communications Commission

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FEMA to Test Nationwide Emergency System 

All cell phones, radio and television stations will receive alerts. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in conjunction with the Federal Communications Commission, will conduct a test of…

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U.S. Senate Confirms Anna Gomez to FCC

The seat has been open for three years. The Senate confirmed Anna Gomez to the Federal Communications Commission this week. The previous nominee for the FCC seat, Gigi…

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Education Secretary Launches ‘Raise the Bar’ Back-to-School Tour

Other agency officials participate in efforts to improve student learning and elevate educational standards. U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona has launched the “Back to School Bus Tour…

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