FCC Enhances Partnership with UK on Robocalls and Privacy

The partnership’s focus addresses risks from cyber criminals. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) have formally partnered to safeguard consumer privacy…

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FCC Proposes Regulations to Prevent Domestic Abuse Car Tracking

Chair seeks to apply domestic abuse law to auto manufacturers. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is concerned over the ease with which domestic abusers can stalk their victims…

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Nationwide Cell Phone Outage And Pharmacy Cyber Attack Occur

Concerns regarding cyber and cell network infrastructure increase. Thousands of mobile phone customers had no service Thursday morning as cell service providers experienced network outages. Those affected could…

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FCC Outlaws AI-Voiced Robocalls

 Immediately updates policy after fake Biden voice called New Hampshire voters The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted unanimously to outlaw robocalls that feature fake voices created by artificial…

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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Sues FCC Over Discrimination Rule

The lobbying group says the regulation is overly broad. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one of the nation’s largest lobbying groups, has sued the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)…

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FCC Proposes Rebates for Consumers Experiencing TV Blackouts

The commission requests public input on the proposal to compensate for service disruptions. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a proposal that would mandate rebates for consumers experiencing…

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FTC Launches Inquiry into Tech Companies’ AI Investments

The commission examines the impact on competition and innovation. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued orders to Alphabet, Amazon, Anthropic, Microsoft, and OpenAI, requiring them to provide information…

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FCC Chair Asks Auto and Wireless Industry to Help Shield Domestic Abuse Survivors

Her letters ask companies to assist in preventing the misuse of connected smart technology. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Jessica Roseworcel wrote to nine automakers and three major…

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FCC Issues Robotext Rule and Closes Robocall Loophole

The agency chair says they need to “find every way under the law to stop these junk robocalls and robotexts.“ The Federal Communications Commission has proposed a rule…

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FCC Warns of Hackers Taking Over Cell Phone Accounts

The agency informed all cell phone service providers of the increased threat. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a warning to cell service providers, informing them of…

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