FDA Launches Vape Product Task Force

Senate committee members grill officials about the agency’s delayed action on illegal vaping products. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched a new task force on Monday to…

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FTC Reports Increase in E-Cigarette Advertising and Sales

Flavored disposable devices comprise 71 percent of sales. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released its third report on nationwide e-cigarette sales and advertising, which showed an increase in…

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CDC Resumes Anti-Smoking Campaign

The agency’s focus is on menthol cigarettes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is running nationwide ads featuring former smokers’ stories of health dangers. The agency’s campaign is particularly…

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Senator Schumer Urges FDA and FTC to Further Regulate Nicotine Pouches

He calls Zyn product “quiet and dangerous.“ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York has called for the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission…

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FTC Reports Decline in Cigarette and Smokeless Tobacco Sales

Menthol and other non-tobacco product purchases comprise half of purchases. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently released a Cigarette Report that provides data on industry sales in 2022.…

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CDC Reports Increase in E-Cigarette Sales

Number of brands and flavors between 2020-2022 appeal to youth. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a recent study that revealed significant changes in the e-cigarette…

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U.S. Military Adds Blue Lotus to Banned Substance List

FDA does not regulate the psychotropic drug, available via e-cigarettes or vaping. The Department of Defense has added blue lotus, a drug from the Egyptian flower Nymphaea caerulea,…

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FDA Addresses Retailers Selling E-Cigarettes to Youth

Letters follow an investigation into the sale of unauthorized products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent warning letters to 30 retailers and one distributor, following an…

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Juul Will Pay to Settle False Advertising Claims

Settlements have been made with 45 states, while lawsuits are pending in the remaining five. Juul has agreed to pay $462 million to six states, including New York…

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Supreme Court Upholds California’s Flavored Tobacco Ban

Rules against tobacco company’s bid to end the voter-imposed ban on sales. The Supreme Court declined an emergency request this week filed by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company to…

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