President Biden Issues Executive Order on Border Security

Immigrants who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border could be denied asylum. President Joe Biden issued an executive order on Tuesday that will restrict some access to illegal immigrants…

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HHS Reports Refugees Grew Economy in 15 Years

The department calculated that the generated revenue exceeded the costs of relocation and support. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report this month that…

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White House, Congress Trade Border Policy Proposals

Border security options meet with varying partisan responses. The White House sent a proposal for potential southern border policies to Congress on Wednesday, garnering mixed responses as it…

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Greater Restrictions for South American Migrants Proposed in Senate

The legislation would add to HR-2 policies passed in the House. Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, and James Lankford of Oklahoma have submitted…

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Illinois Governor Writes President About Border Crisis

He calls federal government efforts “uncoordinated.” Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker wrote to President Joe Biden this week to express concerns about the impact of the influx of South…

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DOJ Sues SpaceX Over Refugee Hiring Practices

The company cited “export control laws” as the reason for turning down migrants’ applications. The Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit against SpaceX, claiming that the company…

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Federal Judge Blocks Rule Limiting Migrant Asylum

President’s administration immediately appealed to the 9th Circuit Court. District Judge John Tigar blocked the new asylum policy of President Biden’s administration this week, ruling that it was…

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Dignity Act Proposes to Reform Immigration

Bipartisan legislation would address asylum, visas, and the legal path to citizenship. Representatives María Elvira Salazar of Florida and Veronica Escobar of Texas revealed a new immigration bill…

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Migrants Amass at Border, Anticipating Title 42 Expiration

A new rule could block some asylum seekers. Hundreds of migrants have gathered at the U.S.-Mexico border, anticipating the expiration of Title 42 and the reintroduction of America’s…

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Senator Challenges Asylum Policy 

He says relaxed policies are at the heart of border chaos.  Senator Tom Cotton said in a hearing with Attorney General Merrick Garland that the United States is…

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