Issue 482 – Verse of the Week

March 18th – March 24th, 2021


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort. – 2 Corinthians 1:3

Needing Comfort?

Nearly everyone has had the opportunity—and the challenge—of comforting a crying baby. You might gently rock him or her, sing a quieting song, even take a drive in the car. Whatever works to soothe their distress or ease them, you are willing to do. Behavioral researchers have studied the components of consolation, finding that a loving touch, a soothing caress, or a hug have more than a psychological effect; it is neurological. What do you do when you are needing comfort? When the trials you face are greater than a hug can restore? This week’s verse says that your Heavenly Father is the God of all comfort. He is eager to provide comfort to His children in any and every circumstance. He knows the situation. Be quick to turn to Him as your source of peace, happiness, blessing, mercy, love, and comfort.

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