USDA Funds Wildfire Defense Programs

$250 million goes toward training firefighters, clearing vegetation, and conducting prescribed burns.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the investment of $250 million to help at-risk communities develop additional protections against wildfires, distributing funds from the Community Wildfire Defense Grant program to 158 projects in 31 states. Local and Tribal governments will use this funding to hire and train wildfire fighters, conduct prescribed burns, and thin overgrown landscapes in their area.

The USDA stated, “The Community Wildfire Defense Grant program helps communities in the wildland-urban interface maintain resilient landscapes, create fire-adapted communities, and ensure safe, effective wildfire response.“

Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small said, “The Community Wildfire Defense Grants are just one of many ways we are helping communities adapt to larger, more complex, and more frequent wildfires.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Deputy Secretary Small to be led by the Lord in her role at the USDA.
  • For USDA officials as they administer the grant program to increase resiliency to wildfires.

Sources: Department of Agriculture


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