State Attorneys General File Suit to Challenge Truck Emissions

24 states sue the EPA and the state of California for unconstitutional regulations.

State attorneys general from 24 states filed two lawsuits this week that challenge new emission rules for trucks and heavy-duty vehicles from President Biden’s administration. 

The first lawsuit is against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for enacting the rule, which requires 30 percent of new heavy-duty trucks to be emission-free by 2030. The second lawsuit was filed against the state of California for enacting stricter emissions rules than the EPA requires, which would require half of newly manufactured medium- and heavy-duty trucks to be emission-free by 2026.

“California and an unaccountable EPA are trying to transform our national trucking industry and supply chain infrastructure,” stated Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers, who organized the filing of both lawsuits. “Neither California nor the EPA has the constitutional power to dictate these nationwide rules to Americans.”

He added that the rules will “devastate” trucking jobs and company logistics.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For discernment for the federal judge(s) who will hear the case regarding the steep emission reduction standards.
  • For Administrator Michael Regan and EPA officials to seek the Lord as they implement climate policies.

Sources: The Hill, Washington Times


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