President Responds to Campus Protest Encampments

He says breaking the law is not a “peaceful protest.”

President Joe Biden responded to the college campus protests on Thursday, saying that the students’ on-campus tent encampments and refusal to attend classes do not qualify as “peaceful protest.”

“There is a right to protest, but not a right to cause chaos,” the president said in remarks from the White House. “Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. It’s against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the canceling of classes and graduations – none of this is a peaceful protest,” he said.

College students have set up tents on college campuses, demanding that their schools cease investing funding into companies that provide weapons to the Israeli government.

President Biden said that supporters of both Gaza and Israel have good points in their arguments, but that the protests have not caused him to reconsider governmental policies. The president also said that he will not be sending the National Guard to dismantle the protests.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the president and his administration to be directed by God in their policies toward Israel, Gaza, and Hamas.
  • For wisdom for governing officials as they address the lawlessness of demonstrators on college campuses.

Sources: Reuters, VOA News


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