Apache Group Requests 9th Circuit Review of Copper Mine Approval

Prepares appeal to Supreme Court if appellate refuses to rehear the case.

The Native American nonprofit group Apache Stronghold requested that the entire 9th Circuit Court of Appeals review its recent ruling that permitted a new copper mine in Arizona. The group maintains that the approval would devastate culturally significant lands. 

The 9th Circuit approved the federal land transfer necessary to begin the Resolution Copper project, allowing a permit from President Trump’s administration to go into effect. If the project goes through, it will provide over a quarter of the copper necessary for renewable energy technologies. However, it would also create a crater 2 miles wide and 1,000 feet deep that would destroy the ceremonial site Apache Stronghold wants to preserve.

The nonprofit originally sued to prevent the land transfer in 2022. The 9th Circuit is expected to decide this fall whether or not to rehear the case. If the appellate court refuses, the advocates are prepared to appeal to the Supreme Court.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the judges of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals as they consider whether or not the entire panel will rehear the case.
  • For the president and his administration to be reasonable regarding the need for critical minerals versus environmental and cultural conservation.

Sources: Reuters, USA Today


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