DHS Opens Applications for Terrorism Prevention Development

DHS secretary announces grants available to projects from local governments, nonprofits, and universities.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) opened applications for its Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program, offering $18 million to qualified communities looking to strengthen their anti-violence capabilities. Local governments, nonprofits, and universities are encouraged to submit projects that focus on curbing pathways to violence both in physical spaces and online.

“Our nation’s ability to prevent targeted violence and terrorism requires all of us, working together, to develop programs and share best practices that build new prevention capabilities and strengthen our communities,” said Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “This grant program helps do just that, and we are grateful to Congress for the resources it has provided to invest in community programs across our country.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for Secretary Mayorkas and DHS officials as the field project proposals for the grant program.
  • For U.S. national security personnel to be discerning as they seek to prevent terrorism and violence.

Sources: Department of Homeland Security


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