Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Discrimination Law

The justices unanimously ruled in favor of a former police officer.

The Supreme Court upheld broad qualifications for Title VII discrimination cases this week, deciding unanimously in favor of a St. Louis police officer who was transferred from her workplace position because of her sex.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars workplace bias in all forms, which the police officer cited when her new supervisor moved her out of her intelligence unit because he wanted a man in her position. Her employer said that she needed to prove that the discrimination caused “significant harm,” such as a pay cut, demotion, or job loss. 

“Today, we disapprove that approach,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote in the decision. “Although an employee must show some harm from a forced transfer to prevail in a Title VII suit, she need not show that the injury satisfies a significance test. Title VII’s text nowhere establishes that high bar.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For discernment for the justices of the Supreme Court as they decide cases regarding civil and constitutional rights.
  • For the justices to receive God’s guidance as they deliberate and rule on the cases they have heard.

Sources: Reuters, Forbes


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