Issue 633 – Verse of the Week

February 8th – February 14th, 2024


Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.     Isaiah 40:28

In Wonder and Awe

A hymn by Mosie Lister entitled “He Has Time” begins with the verse “God hangs the sun on nothing at all / suspends the earth in space.” The lyrics reflect the meditation in Job 26:7 and point to the awesome power and faithfulness of the Lord. He created the universe and planet Earth and then created human beings to inhabit it. But He didn’t stop there! The Almighty actually wanted relationship with the created who were made in His image. And, after the relationship was fractured by sin, He set about restoring it. First, with the Law He gave Moses for relationship with His people Israel, and then ultimately all nations through Jesus Christ, who called people to repent of their sins (Matthew 4:17). And God still seeks a relationship with you! As you intercede for the United States and its governing officials today, take time to worship the Lord for His wonderful, awesome faithfulness and love.

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