Issue 625 – Federal Branches

Praying for Our Leaders in Government

Executive Branch: Pray for the President and his Administration

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas recently called securing the border and limiting asylum “violence to our fundamental values.” He made this statement as the highest single-day total in one 24-hour period was recorded,12,000 migrants, entered the southern border illegally, most of whom are single, military-aged men from around the world, including nations that are terror hotspots. 

Pray for the president and his administration to adjust their course and policies regarding border security and immigration. 

Legislative Branch: Pray for Senators and Representatives in Congress

House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana warned that the United States is engaged in a battle of worldviews. Speaking before the National Association of Christian Lawyers, he urged Christians to bring the younger generation the truth about America’s foundational principles. 

Pray for Speaker Johnson as he “lets his light shine,” despite facing criticism and misunderstanding from his congressional colleagues. 


The House Intelligence Committee disclosed its proposed reform to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Committee Chairman Mike Turner of Ohio said reforms are necessary, including a requirement that the FBI adopt “zero tolerance for willful misconduct” as cases have been found where agents abused the surveillance tool. 

Pray for members of legislative committees as they seek to ensure the federal government’s compliance with federal regulations and laws. 

Judicial Branch: Pray for Supreme Court Justices and Federal Judges

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that ordered Texas to remove floating barriers installed to prevent migrants from crossing the Rio Grande River to enter the U.S. illegally. Governor Greg Abbott said he would appeal the court’s “denial of Texas’ sovereign authority to secure the border… We’ll go into SCOTUS if needed.” 

Pray for wisdom for federal judges as they hear and rule on matters surrounding illegal immigration. 

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