December 1st – Friday

The seed sprouts and grows, he knows not how. – Mark 4:27

On this day in 1824, the House of Representatives invoked the 12th Amendment to decide the presidential election, since no candidate secured a majority of the electoral votes. To win the presidency at that time, a candidate needed 131 out of 261 electoral votes, with this election marking the first time popular votes were counted, though they did not impact the final result. In February 1825, the House elected John Quincy Adams president. His presidency was marked by lack of popular support, which culminated in his defeat by Andrew Jackson in the 1828 election. Reflect today on the ways that God has worked situations out in your past that did not look good. Remember to “commit your way to the Lord; trust him, and he will act”(Psalms 37:5). When things are not going the way you wanted or expected, praise Him in confidence that He will circumstances for your good (Romans 8:28)!

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For the president and his advisors to seek the Lord’s guidance as they set policy.
  • For Speaker Mike Johnson to be led by God as he presides over the House of Representatives.

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