November 8th – Wednesday

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? – Psalm 21:7

Have you ever heard something go bump in the night? Your pulse quickens as your heart races and your brain cycles through what could possibly have made the noise. Perhaps you turn on the light to find that your pet fell off the bed or collided with a nightstand in the dark. Whatever the case, the light reveals the facts so you can deal with reality. Today’s verse indicates that, because the Lord is your light, there is no cause to fear the darkness in this world. His light overcomes the darkness of deception (John 1:5), and disperses the fog of uncertainty. With Christ Jesus as your Savior, no one, regardless of how fierce they may seem, can threaten your soul. The Messiah purchased eternal life for you and His angels watch over you today (Psalm 91:11). As you worship the Lord today, praise Him for His faithful grace and protection.

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For the president and members of his administration to seek God’s light.
  • For senators and representatives in Congress to live and serve humbly, with integrity.

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