Issue 609 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for our Military

Plans are reportedly underway at the Pentagon to restructure the National Guard of Washington, D.C. Aviation units would potentially be transferred in exchange for more military police in the District, and control of the D.C. Guard would be delegated to the U.S. Northern Command, which oversees homeland defense. 

Pray for Pentagon officials as they make decisions that affect National Guard units and state controls. 


The Pentagon has announced a 44th round of military aid from the Department of Defense stock to send to Ukraine. The U.S. has already given Ukraine over $43 billion in weapons since February 2022. Russian Ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Antonov, says America is sinking “deeper and deeper” into a Ukrainian quagmire.

Pray for wisdom for the president and U.S. military officials as defense support continues to be sent to Ukraine. 


Satellite photos reveal that an apparent airstrip is under construction by China on the disputed South China Sea Island of Triton. The island is also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. At 1,000 feet in length, the airstrip could accommodate turboprop aircraft and drones, but is not long enough for fighter jets or bombers. 

Pray for U.S. and allied officials as they respond to assertive actions taken by China in disputed areas. 


The Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals upheld key parts of restrictions on an abortion pill. The court that ruled the Food and Drug Administration failed to properly address major safety issues when it loosened standards on the use of the drug. 

Pray for FDA officials to rapidly restore the safeguards on chemical abortion drugs to protect the health of vulnerable pregnant women. 


A statement from the office of the prime minister reiterated Israel’s opposition to the development of nuclear programs in the Middle East. The spokesperson said, “Israel never agreed to a nuclear program for any of its neighboring countries. This was and remains Israel’s policy.” 

Pray for Israeli officials as negotiations occur between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. that would provide nuclear power for domestic energy production. 


The median annual cost of caring for the elderly has risen by about 50 percent over the past two decades according to an analysis by the National Council on Aging. As baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) age, the financial costs will pose challenges for them and their families, as few have adequate retirement savings. 

Pray for seniors and their families as they face inflated costs for retirement homes, home health maintenance, pharmaceuticals, and other advancing-age healthcare. 

Pray for Goodness in America

The legislature in North Carolina overrode several gubernatorial vetoes and, in a bipartisan vote, passed three new laws that protect children from the consequences of radical gender ideology. They are the 22nd state to pass laws to ban sterilizing children through chemicals and transgender surgeries. 

Pray that more states would work to protect children who are being confused by wrong-headed and evil ideologies. 

Pray for Needs Across the States

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended the Arkansas decision to remove AP African-American studies courses, saying, “We’ve got to get back to the basics of teaching math, of teaching reading, writing and American history.” She added that the course amounts to “propaganda” that teaches children to “hate America and hate each other.” 

The State of Mississippi is seeking a hearing with the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals after a lower court struck down a Mississippi practice of permanently stripping voting rights from certain felons. The ban is part of the state’s constitution. 

Pray for state officials as they assert and defend states’ rights when it comes to education and who is entitled to vote. 

Pray for America’s Faith Community

“God has called us to be Unordinary. When we follow Christ, we must be willing to stand out, to be different, to be… Unordinary. For all the right reasons. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.’ –  Romans 12:2 (NLT).” – Tony McVickers, RockFish Church, Raeford, North Carolina, August 2023 

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