Issue 606 – Verse of the Week

August 3rd – August 9th, 2023


Let us test and examine our ways and return to the Lord!   Lamentations 3:40

Run the Tests

In times of illness, doctors will often order a variety of blood tests. Those with knowledge look through microscopes or develop cultures to investigate the numerous tiny cells to get a diagnosis. This is similar to the type of evaluation the prophet Jeremiah asks for in today’s verse from Lamentations—close scrutiny. The biggest diseases often begin with the smallest of microbes, and so it is in today’s culture when what may seem the smallest of sins begins infecting the whole body. The remedy for the culture, and for the individual, is to return to the Lord. That calls for repentance, one person at a time! Pray that the hearts of the people would be touched by the Holy Spirit of God and that they respond so the nation may become whole. 

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