Issue 603 – Verse of the Week

July 13th – July 19th, 2023


I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.   Psalm 50:11

Slow Down

A recent study by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College, Cambridge, revealed that the sound of birds chirping outside your window elevates your mood. Seeing or hearing birds can improve your well-being for up to eight hours. Accordingly, they have developed an app for smartphones that features singing birds. The mental health crisis that is reportedly occurring in post-COVID America might be helped if people would simply slow down, step outdoors in the early morning, and just listen to the birds. Jesus’ words in Matthew 6 remind you that the birds have no worries, and neither should you. Thank God today for all of His wonderful provisions as you let the chirping songs of God’s feathered creation put a song in your own heart. It is worth your time. 

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