FTC Enforces Order Against False “Made in USA” Claims

Motorcross and ATV parts maker misled customers regarding the origins of products.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently issued its final ruling against Cycra, a manufacturer of motocross and ATV parts, and its officer Chad James for making false claims about the products being made in America. The order seeks to prevent Cycra and James from participating in deceptive practices—false labeling of “Made in USA”—and imposes a monetary judgment on them.

“False ‘Made in USA’ claims hurt consumers and honest businesses,” said Samuel Levine, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “We will continue to work with our colleagues at U.S. Customs and Border Protection and across the federal government to hold bad actors accountable.”

Going forward, Cycra must prove the product’s assembly, processing, and sourcing occurred in the U.S. in order to label it thus. “Made in USA” claims must also disclose foreign involvement. For U.S. assembly claims, considerable transformation and significant operations in the U.S. are required.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Chair Lina Khan to seek the Lord’s direction as she heads the FTC.
  • For members of the FTC as they seek to protection the American consumer from dishonest business practices.

Sources: Federal Trade Commission


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