May 25th – Thursday

In peace, I will both lie down and sleep for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. – Psalm 4:8

The Conojocular War began between the colonies of Pennsylvania and Maryland in 1730. Disputes regarding law enforcement and property rights, as well as the location of the boundary the colonies shared, led to armed military conflict. On this day in 1738, a peace agreement was signed in London after the royal Committee for Plantation Affairs negotiated between the two colonies. Though the cease-fire maintained the peace, the permanent boundary of the Mason/Dixon line was not settled until 1767. As boundary claims continue in modern times, pray for wisdom for federal public officials as they determine how to navigate such disputes. In the spiritual realm, ask the Lord to show you how to adhere to His jurisdiction in your actions, attitudes, and behaviors today.

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For Secretary of State Blinken and the ambassadors in the State Department to represent the United States wisely and with integrity.
  • For discernment for U.S. officials tasked with determining the jurisdiction of domestic lands and property.

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