Praying for Our Leaders in Government
Executive Branch: Pray for the President and his Administration
President Biden’s administration has called for enhanced oversight of cryptocurrencies. A blog written by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and others urged Congress to pass new laws to curb criminal activity in digital assets, such as steeper penalties for illicit financial transactions.
Federal Aviation Administration Acting Director Billy Nolen told a congressional committee the agency had made a series of changes following the January 11 computer system outage that caused delay or cancelation of more than 11,000 U.S. flights. The new rules will prevent a corrupt file from causing damage to a database backup.
Pray for the president and administration officials as they prepare for the president’s State of the Union address to Congress on February 7.
Legislative Branch: Pray for Senators and Representatives in Congress
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has introduced a bill that would halt the sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China and the Chinese Community Party-owned companies. The bill has a number of co-sponsors.
Senator Mike Lee of Utah stated that action must be taken on the nation’s debt. “Our $31 trillion-plus national debt is so much larger than our economy that we’re having a difficult time keeping up with it. In just a few years, we’re going to see our national interest on the debt skyrocket from around $4,400 billion a year to well over a trillion a year, and we don’t have that kind of money.”
Pray for Congressional members as they begin working on a budget for the next fiscal year.
Judicial Branch: Pray for Supreme Court Justices and Federal Judges
A U.S. District Court judge has halted a law in California that allows medical professionals to be punished for giving out information about COVID-19 to patients that is “contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus.” The judge stated, in granting a preliminary injunction to a group of California physicians, that “consensus” on COVID is vague and ill-defined.
A federal district court judge in Arizona dismissed a multi-state lawsuit that challenged the federal minimum wage law being applied to government contractors under an executive order signed by President Biden. The court said the presidential authority is “broad” and that the executive order promoted “economy and efficiency” in federal contracting.
Pray for district court judges who are generally the first to hear challenges to state and federal laws.