President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden are spending the weekend at their Rehoboth Beach home in Delaware. At this time, the president has no public events scheduled on his agenda for today.

The U.S. State Department announced that Acting Coordinator for the Global Engagement Center Leah Bray will travel to Belgium from June 5-9 to attend the Atlantic Council’s 360/Open Summit and she will co-host the Technology and Trade Council’s first conference on countering disinformation. She will then go to the United Kingdom from June 10-14 to discuss with her counterparts “increased coordination of U.S.-U.K. efforts to counter disinformation around the globe.“ Bureau of Global Public Affairs Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Bill Russo will be accompanying her.
The State Department is also sending a delegation to attend the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) World Telecommunication Development Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, June 6-16. The delegation will be led by Ambassador Erica Barks-Ruggles, U.S. Senior Representative for 2022 Conferences of the ITU. The delegates will participate in discussions surrounding “closing the digital divide and fostering digital transformation globally“ and resolving communications technology issues around the world.
As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…
- That the president and his administration seek the Lord for guidance regarding information, communications, and technology.
- For wisdom for Acting Coordinator Bray as she participates in the global summit on disinformation.
- For God’s purposes to be accomplished through the U.S. delegation attending the telecommunications conference in Rwanda.
- For safety for all these State Department officials as they travel.