Commerce Department Places Export Restrictions on Russia

Part of the administration’s response to the invasion in Ukraine.

The Bureau of Industry and Security within the U.S. Commerce Department implemented stringent export controls on Thursday to severely restrict Russia’s access to technology and other necessities for carrying out its military action against Ukraine. The controls are focused on technology that would support Russia’s defense, aerospace, and maritime sectors.

“Russia’s actions are an immediate danger to those living in Ukraine, but also pose a real threat to democracy throughout the world,” said Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. “By acting decisively and in close coordination with our allies and partners, we are sending a clear message today that the United States of America will not tolerate Russia’s aggression against a democratically-elected government. The Commerce Department, along with our partners internationally and across the Biden-Harris Administration, will continue to use every tool at our disposal to restrict products, software, and technology that support Russia’s military capabilities.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Secretary Raimondo to seek God’s direction as she manages the export restrictions on Russia.
  • For officials in the Bureau of Industry and Security as they seek to carry out the president’s foreign policy.
  • For the president and his advisors as they determine their objectives and strategies.

Sources: Department of Commerce


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