Ahead of the coming week, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that President Joe Biden will travel to the FEMA headquarters on Monday to take part in a briefing on the upcoming hurricane season. Later in the week, the president will speak at multiple engagements on the administration’s efforts to boost economic recovery. He is also preparing to release his budget proposal for the coming year.

A major focus of the president’s budget will be on lowering the cost of prescription medication. Secretary Psaki added, “He remains committed to continuing to make healthcare more affordable and more accessible for Americans.”
Today, the president and first family are remaining at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland. They are expected to return to the White House later in the evening and have no other public events on their schedule at this time.
As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…
- For God to be at work through the president and administration officials as they prepare for the week ahead.
- For the president to seek God’s direction and wisdom as he finishes the administration’s budget proposal.
- For God to use the weekend in Camp David to draw the president and family closer to Him.