Issue 483 – Verse of the Week

March 25th – March 31st, 2021


Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. – Hebrews 12:1


Every four years, during the international Olympics, athletes from around the world compete to see who will bring home Gold Medals. Whether winter or summer sports, the contestants train for years to be able to accomplish their very best. There are Olympians of a different kind within the Body of Christ, and many of them are well-trained or well-accomplished in what they do. But training alone isn’t the key, one must train in the light and guidance of Scripture and the Holy Spirit. Like the Pharisees, some use their knowledge to judge—to judge another person, an event, a news report, even gossip. They often don’t use their gifts for the body of Christ but are instead Olympic Conclusion Jumpers. Instead, seek the character and example of Christ and use your training and talents to help others. “Run” to offer grace—to be gentle, kind, caring to others as they go through the trials of life. Also, keep training through the meditation on God’s word, as today’s verse says, to always be ready with an answer for anyone who asks about the hope that is in them. These are the Olympic athletes of faith. Are you a medalist for God’s glory?

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