Issue 478 – Verse of the Week

February 18th – February 24th, 2021


The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:18

The Pause Button

America, and the world, has gone through a rough twelve months dealing with a very real viral pandemic that has taken the lives of many and left others struggling to experience a full recovery. People grieve their human losses. Businesses have closed, jobs have been lost, the list goes on and on. Aren’t there times when you just wished you could push some sort of a “pause button” just so things would stop for a while? What do you do when you are feeling broken, when your spirit is crushed? God is the only One who can fully heal. Remember in His Word, He has said, “A bruised reed he will not break” (Isaiah 42:3). Today, as you enter into that quiet place, press the pause button, get away from the chaos and noise, and just worship God. Make the time you spend in prayer today a time of praise for Who He is and what He has promised. Leave your requests and intercessions for another time and, in this moment of pause, place all your focus on worshipping Him.

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