Too Many Voices

Hearing God in the midst of the noise.

Proverbs 1:33 – Whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease without dread or disaster.

Voices vie for your attention from every direction, and sometimes you just long for a solo day at the beach or a quiet walk in the woods. But even waves caressing the shore or breezes whispering in the leaves can irritate you when the noises are never silent. God gave you those listening ears, but He also cautioned you about what you were to listen to.

In Genesis 3, Adam listened to his wife’s voice, and we all know where that took him. On the other hand, in Genesis 22, Abraham obeyed the voice of the Lord and he was blessed. In Mark 7, Jesus called the people to him and told them to listen to Him. In the book of Revelation, the seven churches were told that whoever has an ear needs to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to them.

Today’s verse on listening—with the implication of obedience—carries a promise of living securely and at ease without dread or disaster. Who doesn’t want that?  Be judicious in your listening. Be discerning for what aligns with God’s truth. Above all, listen to the Father as He speaks to you through His word; then enjoy prayerful time with Him.   The blessing and the promise are yours!

Pray With Us

Holy God, thank You for Your Word and the lessons it has taught us about listening. Good things have happened for Your children across the ages when we create a time for silence and truly listen to what You have for us.  Give me the discernment to know when what I am hearing aligns with Your will for me. Teach us all across America to take the time to really listen to one another also, and to respond in love. For the sake of Jesus and our testimony of Him, Amen.

  • Pray for a quiet heart and mind that is ready to receive what God wants you to hear.
  • Pray for a spiritual level of understanding to discern what is truth and what is not.
  • Help those in authority to be good communicators, and to focus on integrity and truth.
  • Pray for an obedient spirit that will respond appropriately to the charges found for you in God’s Word.
  • Be challenged to listen twice as hard as you speak (a lesson your mother probably taught you).

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