
Psalm 74:22 – Arise, O God, defend your cause; remember how the foolish scoff at you all the day!

Have you found yourself getting angry or frustrated at all that is going on in the country right now? Are there days you just miss “normalcy” and how things used to be so much you think you could scream? Did you know that it’s ok to tell God about those feelings of anger?

Although the Israelites never faced a global pandemic in the Bible, they still faced their fair share of hardships. Perhaps one of the most devastating was the destruction of their place of worship by another nation. Psalm 74 was written as a prayer of great sorrow over this.

In this psalm, the psalmist spends the majority of telling God what happened. He describes the destruction they saw, and asks God to hear their plea for help. But then at the end, the psalmist does something rather interesting. He actually asks God to act on behalf of His own cause. The psalmist is reminding God in verse 22 that God should go to work for the sake of His glory, in addition to compassion for the people. Take a moment to think about this. How can you apply this verse to life today? Why should God take action in the United States today? Where could He work, that His glory may be further magnified? Pray over that today. Share with God all that is going on in your heart and in the country. Then shift your focus to Him and pray that He would work so that more would come to follow Him.

Pray With Us

Almighty God, You are worthy of all glory and honor. Life in the United States right now is hard. Sometimes, it honestly frustrates me so much. People are arguing over many different issues, others are getting sick from COVID-19, and there is also great concern over the upcoming election. We need You now more than ever. God, I am asking you to remember the United States today. Rise up, and do what only You can. Don’t stop until our entire country knows of Your goodness. Use this for Your glory.


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