Finding Contentment

2 Corinthians 12:10 – For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.  

Recently, the “America Strong” campaign was launched by the U.S. Navy and Air Force to support healthcare workers, first responders, and other essential personnel serving on the front lines of the COVID pandemic. This is not the first time that America has been equated with strength. In fact, it is a classic cultural practice in America to equate power with how strong the country is, while looking at weakness as undesirable.

In his letter to the Corinthian church, however, Paul challenges the notion that weakness is something to be avoided. In fact, he actually demonstrates in his letter what it looks like to have complete reliance on God and His power, rather than his own human abilities. At the time of his letter, Paul was actually quite sick and knew that the weaker he was, the greater the opportunity God had to show His power. There is no doubt America is facing a time of hardship right now. But this is no time to despair in feelings of weakness. You may not be able to find happiness or feel strength, but you can find contentment in this situation – and any other difficult situations in the future. In your weakness, God will step in to further prove how strong and powerful He is. Lean into that truth and allow yourself to feel weakness. For when you are weak, He is strong.

Pray With Us

Almighty, all-powerful God, I come to You today and admit that I am weak. In a time when I feel I have little power over this situation, I know that You are in complete control. You are mighty and powerful and do not fail. Today I ask that you would help me find contentment in my weakness. Help me let go of my need to be strong and let You be my strength.  I praise You because I know You are stronger than I can imagine. Thank You for how You love me so perfectly. I pray this in the powerful name of Your son Jesus Christ,


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