Wake Up!

No time for spiritual slumber.

1 Peter 1:13 – Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Proverbs 24:33 pictures some in the Christian community today: “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest.”  But, in case you haven’t noticed, now isn’t exactly the time for believers to take their ease. Rather, it is time to wake up, to be alert. Satan is on the prowl like the roaring lion spoken of in 1 Peter 5:8, and if you are only half awake, you could be the morsel he is looking to devour!

When you are fully awake, when you are alert, you are aware, attentive, and prepared to act or react. Neurologically, alertness corresponds with high-frequency, low-amplitude brain waves resulting from stimulation of an extensive network of nerve cell bodies and fibers within the brain, that then connects to your spinal cord, and set your system for word and concept recall, your body posture, and aspects of physical activity. In essence, you are prepared for what is coming your way.

You cannot know what will happen on November 4 and following…whether there will be a re-election of the sitting president or a time of transition to a new one. You cannot know what the actions will be on the streets of some cities already in turmoil. You cannot know the actions members of Congress will take if the election goes one way or the other. What you can know is that God is there for you.

So, prepare your minds for action. Keep sober in your spirit. Fix your hope on Jesus Christ. He will keep you.

Pray With Us

Father in Heaven, you have heard the cries of my heart as we draw closer to this election. And not mine only, but those of thousands who are beseeching You to enable America to be calm, to find healing, to find restoration of our spirits in You. We need Your grace and mercy right now. Keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, and my hope in You and Your call on my life, for Jesus’ sake,


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