Dual Citizenship

Don’t forsake one citizenship waiting for the other.

Philippians 3:20 – But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you so heavenly-minded that you are no earthly good? Is your head so far in the clouds that your feet are no longer on the ground?

For all who have placed their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, there is a dual citizenship: one here on the Earth—and for those in the United States, as Americans—and the other in heaven.  Part of being a kingdom-worker for God is the recognition that your responsibilities are on this planet and in the nation you call home. And while you eagerly await King Jesus’ return, you must contend with spiritual warfare here. Renouncing your native citizenship is not part of taking an oath of loyalty to Jesus!

As you maintain your dual citizenship, live in obedience to Christ, giving witness to the hope that is in you. Be directed by the Holy Spirit who has gifted you with special talents and abilities so that you might draw others to Jesus. Soak up so much of God’s love for you so that with each hug you give, some of it is squeezed out and left on the other person. And remain in submission to your earthly authorities, for this pleases God.

Pray With Us

Gracious Heavenly Father, how I long for the day when the words I sing, “this world is not my home, I’m just a’passin’ through,” becomes my reality and I am united with You in Heaven. It has almost become too easy to pray that You will send Jesus back to claim His rightful place in this Earth. Thank You that I can have the assurance of my salvation while I wait for those glorious days. In the meantime, help me be a good citizen where I am. Be my guide and give me wisdom as I gain more knowledge and information about the candidates, those who would be president, senators, and representatives. Direct me at ballot-casting time, I pray in Jesus Name,


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