Up, Up, Up

Galatians 6:9 –  Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we will reap, if we do not give up.

A Michigan preacher put it this way – don’t’ give up. Look up. And live up. For those who labor in the work of the Lord, pastors, ministers, missionaries, there can come times of great discouragement. The recent COVID-19 stay-at-home orders challenged church leaders in ways of keeping in touch with their congregants, keeping them challenged in the Word of God, and helping them in their frustrations. It was, for some, a temptation to just give up.

Being professionally at work for the Lord is challenging on its best days. But with disease and culture creating such rapid changes, they could grow weary in doing good. In those weary time, God says, “ Don’t give up. Instead look up.” Seek His face and His perspective on all that doing good means.  Implore those under the watchful care of these servants of God to seek to do good also, looking to God for strength.

Finally, live up to His calling. The good work done for the Lord right now might be tiresome and difficult. Keep in mind 1 Corinthians 3:6  where Paul says, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” The Father has handed you the seeds. Do the word He has called you to do, and leave the results to him.

Pray With Us

Blessed Father God, thank You for gifting men and women who can be the leaders, preachers, teachers and others we need to help us in our spiritual growth—to help us get to know You better. Protect them from discouragement today. Give them an extra bounty of energy and wisdom. Let them make “Up, Up, Up” their focus in the days of turbulent times. Thank You for hearing my prayers, and, as always, I ask it in Jesus Name.


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