No better place on God’s earth to live but in our blessed USA! From the beginning it was founded on religious freedom and I am thankful for being able to practice my faith in a free country! I am thankful for family, devoted friends and a life filled with the joy of loving God and knowing how He loves us in return. Thankful to, and for, our men and women who serve and have served in the armed services, for all our medical, police, and fire personnel who do diligently serve to keep us safe. Last but not least thanks to those of our elected officials who fight to keep the unborn safe to one day grow up to live in this beautiful, blessed country. May God continue to bless the USA!
Dear Lord, Praise Your Holy Name! Thank you for your many blessings and Your Grace, and especially for our Lord and Savior Jesus, through whom we are saved and brought into communion with you! We give You thanks for this special nation that you have raised unto Yourself, these United States of America! Thank You for guiding spiritual men and women in her creation and maintenance, and help us all to hold true to the principles and beliefs that make her great. Thank You for all of those who have sacrificed or risked their lives that we may live in peace and safety. Thank You for the opportunity to live in a country in which we can speak freely, worship openly, improve our lot through hard work and your blessing. Lord, forgive us as we have strayed from the moral path that you have laid out for us, and give us good and honest people to represent us that make decisions that reflect your perfect will. You have blessed this Nation above all others. Continue to bless us and help us to spread the Gospel to the World as You commanded. Thank You, In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen
Lord, I thank you that I was born in our wonderful country, the United States of America. We have so many freedoms that many countries don’t have. Thank you that my brother and I were able to attend and graduate college. Thank you for the education my six children received. My my 12 grandchildren follow the same paths. I thank you that we are able to fly across state lines and from one side of the country to the other and to other countries. We have the freedom to celebrate any holidays, however we wish. We have the right to carry arms to protect our ourselves, our family and our property and to hunt. Thank you for all your blessings, Amen.
God, our Father, I come to you Lord to intercede with my prayer for the mission field of America where you have placed me and others to reach out and make disciples. Heal me of my physical ailments and I pray that those who recognize their mission work around them where you send them every day to reach out for you. Give each the love for our country to bring all to the knowledge of you and one by one give the people of this nation the love for you and then help all to recognize that we are in a place where you again can be Lord of all if we just do our part to make it your land. Help me in my time of praying for family and friends who are on the field. We praise you and thank you for leaders who know you and want to turn our country again for the good and pray for others that they might recognize the good and come to know that it is You. My great thanks is that I am here in this great nation and mission field and thank you for using me. In Jesus name, amen.
I’m so thankful that we live in a country that allows us to worship God openly, read and study the Bible, and go to a variety of churches. I’m also thankful for clean water and air and the uniqueness of each state and that we can vote for our leaders. I’m especially thankful that God has exposed and continues to do so, the things that have been done for years that aren’t good or right. He has also sent people equipped with His courage and wisdom to bring about solutions to set things right. I’m thankful that no matter what the future holds for America, God has been good to us and I would rather be here than anywhere! So many around the world want to live here! Thanks, Lord, for all your blessings, protection and provision!
Father, we thank You for our country and the hearts of those who came to set up a government where freedom to worship God was a primary focus. We thank You for the decades this foundation and underlayment has guided our laws, our discussions and judgments. We thank You that we still do have a voice and right to speak up for what we believe and vote for those who agree with us. Thank You, that though we see much of that eroding around us, as believers, we know our security is in You alone, not man, and that Your purposes will come to pass. Strengthen Your church in America to withstand whatever changes are coming, especially our children and grandchildren. Enlarge our hearts, renew our minds to live lives worthy of You, loving our enemies and praying for our persecutors. May we be bold in sharing Your love and gospel and not be afraid of what man can do, but trust our life to You who saved us from sin and death. Amen.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your many blessings. You have protected America and allowed us the freedoms to worship you and share your love with others. Thank you for those working in government that have accepted your son, Jesus, as Lord and Savior. We pray that they will continue to take a stand for you. Please use them for your glory and bless them. Please watch over our law enforcement. Thank you for their service. May they seek you. Please guide and protect them. Thank you for allowing us to live in America and for all the wonderful blessings. In Jesus name, amen.
I am so thankful to God for a country that started proclaiming a national holiday to publicly thank Almighty God for His bountiful blessings, provisions, and freedom to worship and live free. I am thankful to God that America has generously given more aid, education, and direct support than all other nations. God has answered our prayers through so much of our history, and I pray God will continue to do that again today. Thank you most gracious and merciful God for America and so many godly American leaders you have given us. Amen.
Heavenly Father, You are a majestic, just, powerful, and creative God. Forgive us for sinning against your word and at times ignoring your will. Thank you for loving us, correcting us, protecting us, and providing for us. Thank you for providing me a home in the United States of America. Thank you for a country that gives me the freedom to worship You. Thank you for a country that can share your blessings with others and can introduce others to you. You know the gratitude in my heart. I praise you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I’m thankful, Father God, that You are sovereign over all so that I’m not afraid when trouble looms on the horizon. I know You are faithful to those in Your Son Christ Jesus who live according to Your Word. I’m Thankful that You sent us The Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in all truth, to be our ever present help for us. I’m thankful, Father, that You’ve poured out Grace on America and stand by her side to defend her. Thank you for inspiring the Founders who wrote the Constitution that guarantees our freedom to worship You, to gather in Your Name and pray. Thank You for all Your blessing. In Jesus name, Amen.
Good Father, thank You for setting aside our nation, the United States of America, for a special work in Your Kingdom. Thank You for the missionaries, evangelist and other gospel called, who have been sent from this nation into other nations to share the Gospel and show the love of Christ. Thank You for the multitude of humanitarian efforts throughout the nation far reaching not only into our own back yards, but globally. Thank You Lord, for not only hearing our prayers but also making Your Own intercessions for us. We are humbled by Your great love and purpose, and thankful beyond measure!
Almighty Father in Heaven, the number of blessings that You have bestowed on the United States and its citizens are innumerable. I ask for forgiveness on behalf of my country, for our pride, our lack of humility and trust in You. I praise You, because You alone are worthy of praise! Thank you for Jesus Christ, and your perfect plan of salvation and redemption. Thank you for our freedom to worship You, for our military, for godly leaders that are at the federal, state, and local levels that are boldly fighting and standing for Truth. Empower and protect them. Awaken and revive Your Church, draw many into Your Kingdom, and continue to expose evil and reveal Truth, Father. May we truly be grateful to You for Your blessings this Thanksgiving season. In the mighty name of Jesus!! Amen.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I am thankful that God is always working for the best in my life. That we have a comfortable life in the USA. That our heavenly Father is in control so that we can be in a place that is free, of the brave, having a military that will care for and support all of our citizens.
I thank God that we are free to worship and serve God in this country. I’m thankful for the freedom to openly share and discuss matters of faith. I’m thankful for the freedom to question, debate, and state our own opinions. I’m thankful for the freedom to vote according to our conscience and convictions. I’m thankful for the beauty and bounty of this land. I thank God for His blessing on the United States of America.
I’m grateful for freedom, for adequate medical care, family, caring neighbors and wonderful children. I am so thankful for God’s care and direction for us in retirement. And mostly I am thankful for God’s love and the gift of Jesus Christ that I may have life eternal with Him.
Father in heaven, I thank you that you are watching everything that goes on here. I thank you for the abundance of everything we need to live. I thank you for hearing our prayers and I pray for those who don’t know you. I thank you for all things, both good and bad, that help me to remember and trust you. In Jesus name, amen,
I am thankful for 70 years of life. We are safe under the shelter of His wings! He is our only hope! There are not enough words to say how thankful I am, for all things that He has provided!
I am thankful for being born and living in the United States of America. I am truly thankful that God has watched over me and watched and walked with me through many challenging health times and He healed me in miraculous ways. I am thankful for being free to make choices as well as get a college education. Also to marry the love of my life. God led us to a beautiful life where we have a ministry!
Gracious and merciful and patient God, I thank You for the blessing of the freedom we have to worship You in America. We can attend worship services without fear of persecution. We can speak of Jesus anywhere we go as we seek to lead others to a saving faith. I don’t take these blessings for granted. Thank you, Amen.
I’m grateful that I have religious freedom to serve my Lord Jesus Christ in public. I’m grateful that I can build a business from the ground and decide how I want to operate it or I can choose whom I work for. A country that I can come and go as I please. I am grateful that I do not live under a dictator. I am grateful/thankful that this country was built as one nation under God! In God we trust!!
I thank God for His extravagant generosity in all creation. I thank God for the ability to see the beauty of His work. I thank Him for music that touches my soul. I thank Him for giving to us His Son, to live among us, experiencing our humanity and identifying with us to the extent of taking our sin. I thank Him for the freedom to worship Him openly. I thank Him for Who He Is, a god who loves us.
Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit I ask you to cover our nation with your grace and mercy for those who call you by name the believers in what your son did for us. Lord in your way and in your time you will deal with the evil that is on this land and we exalt your name and hold you in a spot of reverence in our hearts knowing that you love us and that you will care for us. May we be persevering and faithful until you come again. Amen in Jesus name.
Dear God, thank you for giving me a life that is rich with blessings and challenges. Please continue to offer me up opportunities whereby I can share the gospel through my life and love of You. Though at times I don’t act like it, I am truly grateful for my life and my loved ones, as well as friends and neighbors. Help me to continue in your love and to be a blessing to others. Amen.
I am thankful that we have freedom to worship our LORD! I love the LORD and I am grateful to pray with the Presidential team on a daily basis. I pray for the needs of our USA and world situations. Thank you and GOD bless AMERICA and every one who loves GOD, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT!
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