Energy Department Releases Guidance for Supply Chain Cybersecurity

The principles establish best practices for manufacturers and end users. The Department of Energy (DOE) recently released guidance, titled the Supply Chain Cybersecurity Principles, outlining safe digital practices…

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House Committee Considers Overturning Pause on LNG Exports

The president’s administration recently enacted the pause on liquified natural gas. The House Energy and Commerce Committee will discuss a measure that seeks to overturn the pause on…

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Federal Agencies Request Data Transparency from Utility Companies

HUD, DOE, and EPA write joint letter pushing for free and public utility data Leaders from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Energy (DOE),…

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White House Holds Methane Emissions Summit

The Cabinet-level task force will direct methane reduction efforts. The White House held its first methane summit this week, announcing the establishment of the Methane Task Force, a…

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U.S. Power Grid Reliability is at Risk

Watchdog reports that two-thirds of North America could experience power outages this summer. President Biden’s administration has promoted a reliance on green energy instead of coal and gas.…

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Legislators Request”Greater Scrutiny” on Natural Gas Industry

Letter sent to the chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. A group of 44 legislators signed a letter to White House Council on Environmental Quality…

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EPA Prepares New Carbon Capture Standards

However, the agency has been slow to approve permits for carbon capture injection wells. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is preparing to unveil new emission standards for natural…

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President Names Acting Chair of FERC

Willie Phillips has track record of public service. This week, President Joe Biden named Willie Phillips as acting chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The first…

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Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sales Reinstated

Action in compliance with the Inflation Reduction Act. The Department of the Interior reinstated an offshore oil and gas lease sale that was invalidated by a federal judge…

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Treasury Secretary Says Gas Prices Could Spike Again

Oil prices are on the increase.  Oil prices rose Monday as supply concerns are mounting heading into the winter months. Although gasoline at the pump has gone down in…

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