Congress Advances Weapons Package to Israel

Legislators who were opposed to the arms sale now approved the sale. Representative Gregory Meeks of New York, ranking member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Senator Ben Cardin…

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Legislators Concerned by Commerce Department Deal with UAE AI Company

Chairs of congressional committees say the company’s previous ties to Beijing could leak technologies to China. Federal legislators are wary of a recent investment deal crafted by the…

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U.S. Army Confirms American Soldier Arrested in Russia

National Security Council and House Foreign Affairs chair warn U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to Russia. The U.S. Army and National Security Council (NSC) have confirmed that a…

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House to Vote on Bill Prohibiting Foreign Ownership of Apps

The national security threat posed by TikTok, owned by a Chinese company, has brought the issue forward. The House will vote on the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary…

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House Investigating UN Involvement with Hamas Attack 

Several nations have halted funding to UNRWA. The House Foreign Affairs Committee held the first of hearings this week to investigate the work of UNRWA and the participation…

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Congressional Report Finds China Obtaining Sensitive U.S. Technology

The report shows the federal government has been lax in implementing export restrictions. The House Foreign Affairs Committee released a 61-page report that shows a vast range of…

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House Places a Freeze on $6 Billion for Iran

The funds were released by the administration earlier this year to free five American prisoners. The House of Representatives passed legislation late last week that would require the…

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House Passes Resolution Standing with Israel 

First action by the House under new Speaker Johnson.  The House of Representatives passed a resolution stating the U.S. “stands with Israel as it defends itself against the…

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U.S. Releases Frozen Iranian Funds in Prisoner Swap 

Five Iranians held in the U.S. will also be released.  Secretary of State Antony Blinken informed Congress on Monday that the department has issued a waiver that will…

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House Bill Addresses Chinese Exploitation of Congolese Children

China uses children to mine the cobalt used in EV batteries.  U.S. Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey introduced legislation that would ban products containing minerals secured with…

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