May Employment Figures Are Surprise

Unemployment drops as jobs post gain. The Labor Department released its labor figures for May, and they surprised everyone, except for perhaps a highly optimistic President Trump. The…

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IRS to Allow Benefit Changes Mid-year

With employer consent, workers can adjust their coverage. The IRS recently announced that, for the remainder of 2020, employees can change their health coverage programs as long as…

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President Considering “Return to Work” Bonus

Temporary incentive could encourage workers to return. On Tuesday, Larry Kudlow, the president’s economic adviser, said that President Trump and the Administration are looking carefully at a potential…

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Senators Introduce Paycheck Protection Program Updates

Bipartisan bill would extend the period to use funds by 16 weeks.  New legislation has been presented by Senators Angus King, and Steve Daines to allow businesses to…

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Unemployment Tops 39 Million

Fed Chairman expects peak in May or June. The Department of Labor announced on Friday that claims for unemployment had risen to roughly 39 million Americans. These numbers…

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Employment Turnaround Coming Soon, White House Says

A fourth round of stimulus should help get things moving. White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett said Friday that June could mark a turning point in massive joblessness…

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Secretary Mnuchin Warns Unemployment Beneficiaries

Return to work if you are asked to, he urges. In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned that individuals who reject…

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Another 2.98 Million Americans File Unemployment

More than 36 million people have now filed jobless claims. The Labor Department said Thursday that another 2.98 million people filed the first time for unemployment benefits last…

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President Responds to 14.7% Unemployment

The economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April. The Labor Department released new unemployment data on Friday that shows the nation lost 20.5 million total jobs in April…

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Unemployment Up, Consumer Spending Down

Another 3.8 million Americans filed for unemployment last week. While the pace of unemployment filings has slowed since its peak in late March, the number of workers who…

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