Senators Write DOJ Regarding Fentanyl-Laced Letters

Six election offices received letters laced with various drugs in a single month. Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Deb Fischer of Nebraska recently wrote a letter to…

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New Hampshire’s Primary Date Supersedes Previously Scheduled Order

The DNC had intended South Carolina as the first primary. This week, the state of New Hampshire set its voting date for the presidential primary as January 23,…

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The Future of America Hangs in the Balance

 Protecting and securing the democratic process of elections is key to the success of our nation. PRAY FIRST for integrity in America’s elections.  Do you believe that there…

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Fulton County Grand Jury Indicts Former President

Indictments against President Trump and 18 others over investigations into the 2020 election. A Georgia grand jury has indicted former President Donald Trump on charges that include racketeering,…

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Election Integrity Bill Introduced in the House

The provisions include voter identification and restrictions on ballot drop boxes. The American Confidence in Elections Act has been introduced by members of the House Administration Committee which…

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Incoming Legislators Arrive at Capitol

Some House seat races have not yet been decided. The freshman class of the 118th Congress arrived in Washington Sunday for a week of orientation. They met with…

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Many Split Decisions Occur in Midterm Elections

Close races in several states highlight partisan divisions. Tuesday’s midterm election results depict the political chasm in the United States. Tight races in several states remain undecided, and…

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CISA Director Voices Election Security Concerns

She called the current voting climate a “complex threat environment.” Director Jen Easterly of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), recently expressed concerns about the security of…

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9 Million Americans Cast Early Votes

California and Florida lead with the most early voting. On Tuesday, the United States Election Project published data showing that 9.3 million early voting ballots have been cast…

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Voters Express Concerns Over Intimidation

Two-thirds of voters are apprehensive about violent extremists.  A new Reuters/Ipsos poll completed Monday shows two in five voters across America say they are concerned about threats of…

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