“Tens of thousands” of U.S. National Guard personnel are likely to be deployed in the fight to combat the coronavirus outbreak, the Guard’s chief said.
Read MoreMilitary Leader for Prayer
Commander Kyle Woerner, Tactical Technology Program Manager, DARPA
If successful, the Manta Ray class of UUVs [unmanned undersea vehicles] would allow operational flexibility and relief of workload for both traditional and host ships and servicing ports,” Commander Kyle Woerner of DARPA said.
Read MoreAdmiral Mike Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations
The U.S. has issued a formal protest to China in response to that nation’s use of a military-grade laser against a U.S. aircraft, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Gilday reported.
Read MoreGeneral David Berger, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps
The Marine Corps is calling for all paraphernalia related to the Confederacy to be removed from military bases around the world.
Read MoreCaptain Max Clark, Commander, USS Nimitz
Military pilots, including Navy aviators from the USS Nimitz, have reported sightings of UFOs and the Commander of the Nimitz said they have an “obligation” to make sure that airspace is clear.
Read MoreGeneral Jay Raymond, Commander, U.S. Space Force
U.S. analysts noticed something amiss in space when a Russian spacecraft appeared to split into two smaller ones shortly after launching in November. Now the two parts are shadowing a U.S. spy satellite.
Read MoreCaptain Pete Small, USN, Program Executive of Unmanned and Small Combatants
The Navy is fast-tracking seven new ocean drone prototypes bringing desired tactical advantage forms to the Navy’s Ghost Fleet Overlord project.
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