Eight States to Test New HHS Homelessness Recovery Program

Technical assistance is offered to strengthen the partnership between states and the federal government.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that eight states will be participating in a new program to provide federal aid to homeless people. The Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator will offer technical assistance to state governments and local homelessness organizations, recommending and connecting them to appropriate federal aid programs that support their efforts.

“Today we are taking important steps to help communities better access HHS’ programs to address homelessness and connect people with housing-related services and supports – which could be life changing,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “We will continue to work on strengthening partnerships across housing, disability, aging, and health sectors and do everything we can to prevent and address homelessness.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for Secretary Becerra as he facilitates the homeless aid program for states and local communities.
  • For HHS officials as they partner with state and local officials to provide federal aid to people experiencing homelessness.

Sources: Department of Health and Human Services


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