November 30th – Thursday

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. – Proverbs 19:21

The United States and Great Britain met in Paris, France, on this day in 1782 to sign the peace treaty that ended the American Revolutionary War. While the relationship between the two nations remained rocky for a time, which resulted in the War of 1812, they eventually became close allies. Though many in positions of authority in America maintained an isolationist stance with regard to foreign conflicts, in both the First and Second World Wars, the United States came to the aid of the United Kingdom and other allies who were under attack. As you consider today’s verse in your devotions and intercede on behalf of U.S. decision-makers, offer gratitude and praise to the One who is the Great Decider and whose purposes will always stand. Commit your plans and desires to Him, and give Him praise!

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For followers of Christ who are serving in government to maintain their focus on the Prince of Peace.
  • For the president and his administration to recognize Creator God as the Great Decider!

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