29 Iranian Entities Sanctioned for Connections to “Morality Police“

Imposed one year after the murder of Mahsa Amini in police custody.

The Department of the Treasury recently sanctioned 29 individuals and entities linked to the Iranian regime, targeting those involved with the government’s “Morality Police.” The U.S. is implementing the sanctions at the same time as similar sanctions put in place by the UK, Canada, Australia, and other major allies.

These sanctions are being put in place for the one-year anniversary of the murder of Iranian citizen Mahsa Amini, who was beaten to death by the Morality Police after being taken into custody for not wearing her hijab correctly. The Treasury Department intends these sanctions to bring accountability to the human rights violations perpetrated by Iran’s Morality Police, who are well known for internet censorship, capturing dissenters who disagree with their treatment of women, and murdering women who openly protest Iran’s modesty laws. 

“As we approach one year since Mahsa Amini’s tragic and senseless death in the custody of Iran’s so-called ‘Morality Police,’ we recall that the movement of men and women across Iran, inclusive of different faiths and ethnic groups, was met with horrific violence, mass incarceration, and systemic internet disruption by the Iranian regime,” said Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian Nelson.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Under Secretary Brian Nelson as he heads the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
  • For Secretary Yellen to seek the Lord for wisdom as she oversees the Treasury Department.
  • For department officials to be discerning as they impose sanctions on various foreign individuals and entities.

Sources: Department of the Treasury


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