June 16th – Friday

Be renewed in the spirit of your minds. – Ephesians 4:23

On this day in 1858, senatorial candidate and future U.S. president, Abraham Lincoln, delivered his “House Divided” address at the Illinois Republican Convention in Springfield. Paraphrasing a verse from the New Testament, he delivered his solemn message to over 1,000 delegates. The issue of slavery was dividing the nation, as was the question of whether or not the institution would expand and be legalized in the West. As a candidate, Lincoln stated that only the federal government possessed the authority to eradicate slavery. Though he believed slavery conflicted with the Declaration of Independence, his priority was primarily the preservation of the Union. While Lincoln lost the 1858 Senate race, his speech earned him national attention and placed him in a solid position in the polls, which encouraged the people to support his successful bid for the presidency in 1860.

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For discernment for the president and his advisors as they assess the issues facing U.S. society.
  • For the secretaries of the various Cabinet departments as they implement the president’s agenda.

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