May 19th – Friday

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above. – Colossians 3:1

On this day in 1856, Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts gave “The Crime Against Kansas” speech in the Senate, speaking out against slavery and the possibilities of having slavery expand into the Kansas Territory. His speech condemned pro-slavery actions, powers, and the federal government support of Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina for the attempt to have slavery established within Kansas. His strong speech caught the attention of Butler, who was not in attendance during the speech. However, Butler’s cousin, Representative Preston Brooks of South Carolina, was present and attacked Sumner with his cane, seriously injuring him, on the Senate floor two days after the speech. This incident ignited even more tension between the North and South. Nevertheless, Sumner’s bold and powerful speech inspired many to consider the abolishment of slavery and to attempt to prevent slavery from becoming legal in Kansas Territory.

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For members of the Senate as they debate and deliberate legislation and concepts for the betterment of the nation.
  • That the majority and minority leaders in the Senate would seek God’s direction as they present acts and bills for a vote.

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