Today, President Joe Biden will arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel. The Defense Ministry will be showing the president the Iron Beam laser defense system in the hopes of securing additional funding and getting U.S. approval for the sale of its system to neighboring nations.

Still under development, the Iron Beam is expected to be operational in three years. The high-powered, ground-based laser is created to work alongside the Iron Dome to defend against rockets and drones.
Defense Minister Benny Gantz will update President Biden on the progress Israel has made in partnering with other countries to create an alliance for Middle East Air Defense. The program is intended to thwart attacks from Iran on neighboring nations. President Biden is expected to discuss this program with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman when he visits Saudi Arabia.
Israel’s interim Prime Minister Lapid said ahead of the president’s trip, “Israel is extending its hand to all countries in the region and calls on them to build ties with us, to establish relations with us, to change history for the sake of our children.“
As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…
- For God to work through the meetings between the U.S. president and Israeli officials to bring greater peace and stability to the Middle East.
- For guidance for President Biden as he speaks with Defense Minister Gantz and leaders from the Israeli Defense Forces.
- That the president would seek God’s wisdom as he interacts with the Israeli and Palestinian officials.